Saturday, February 21, 2009

Philippians 3:7-11

"But whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish, that I may gain Christ and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ- the righteousness that comes from God and is by faith. I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, and so, somehow, to attain to the resurrection from the dead."

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Your Love Is Strong by Jon Foreman

Heavenly Father
You always amaze me
Let Your kingdom come in my world
And in my life
Give me the food I need
To live through today
Forgive me as I forgive
The people that wrong me
Lead me far from temptation
Deliver me from the evil one
I look out the window
The birds are composing
Not a note is out of tune
Or out of place
I walk to the meadow
And stare at the flowers
Better dressed than any girl
On her wedding day
So why should I worry?
Why do I freak out?
God knows what I need
You know what I need!
Your love is
Your love is
Your love is strong
The kingdom of the heavens
Is now advancing
Invade my heart
Invade this broken town
The kingdom of the heavens
Is buried treasure
Would you sell yourself
To buy the one you've found
Two things you told me
That you are strong
And you love me
Yes, you love me
Your love is
Your love is
Your love is strong
Your love is
Your love is
Your love is strong
Our God in Heaven
Hallowed be Thy name
Above all names
Your kingdom come
Your will be done
On earth as it is in Heaven
Give us, today, our daily bread
Forgive us weary sinners
Keep us far from our vices
And deliver us from these prisons

Friday, October 31, 2008

A Loving Marriage

Love is not a roller coaster, although many people think it is.
Love should be the stability.
Emotions may be a roller coaster, but if you choose to keep your love stable,
The two of you can succeed.
This is not the only answer though--
The key to an everlasting, loving marriage is this:
Choose everyday to make God THE foundation of your marriage,
Love to be the stability, and let your everyday emotions ride of God's love.
Then the marriage is not only promised to succeed,
But it is promised
To be blessed
The conclusion is this: Love be stability, God the foundation = blessed. :-)

Friday, October 10, 2008


Stress: What do you do when it begins to consume your life? This is a question that has been running through my mind for years. Everyone is unique in their ways of handling stress and it takes a lot of time to figure out what methods work for you. Stress comes in different forms which may mean using different strategies to cope with it.

I have learned that there is a big difference between "stress" and being "stressed out". Stress can be good at times, and even if it is difficult stress, it can be handled in a way that makes it good. Being stressed out is when the stress is handled without care. The stress is held inside and one may become anxious and uneasy. When stress becomes internal, it begins to pile up and other things that do not need to be stressful become stressful. This is something that I have been learning to cope with.

I tend to let things pile up so much within me that my anxiety and "stressed out" feeling puts me in a state of panic. I forget to breath. Coping with stress is something that I have really been working on. I feel that it is interfering with my relationship with God as well as other important relationships and responsibilities. When it gets to the point that it interferes with relationships (especially between God), there needs to be a change. A change within me that decides not to let myself get so stressed out. What can I do? If you are struggling with this, what can you do? In order to find new methods to cope, I looked within the hobbies and talents that God has given me. I have found:

1. Art. Even though drawing/ painting isn't my "calling" it sure does relax me. When I feel stress coming on, I take some time for myself just to do my favorite crafts.
2. Talking about it. I am never in the mood to talk about my problems, but just letting someone know what is going through my head helps. I know that I am in danger if I keep it inside.
3. Writing about something encouraging. It gets my mind off of things, and helps me focus on something pure.
4. Talking myself through things. I have to tell myself "it's okay, don't stress- see the good". It's very helpful to talk myself through the situation because if I don't, I only see the harm in the stress.
5. Pray- "ask and you shall recieve, seek and you will find, knock and the door shall be open unto you."

God says: "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." -Phil 4:6-7

It is so important to cast all of our cares upon Jesus. It's a learning process, but it is possible :0)

Thank you for taking up our burdens. Please help us cope with stress in a way that is pleasing to you. I love you, Lord.

Monday, September 29, 2008


These encouraging verses are speaking softly to my heart, maybe they will encourage you too :-)

"How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them! Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand. When I awake, I am still with you...... Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting."

Psalm 139:17-18 & 23-24

Monday, July 14, 2008


The mysteries of our Father amaze me, fascinate me.
The way he moves, creates, and exists among us.
The way he teaches us and guides us.
The way he loves us, molds us, and uses us.
God is incredible, incomprehendable!
I can't wrap my mind around Him.
I'm in awe.

Friday, June 13, 2008

The Beauty in Growing Up

I've been thinking about life and how the stages we go through are so strange at times. The concept of going from a child to an adult can be very difficult to grasp. The transition is somewhat of a slow but sudden slam. The biggest concern for a while is where to attend college and once college comes, a different view of the real world suddenly hits you. Now you are not only preparing for school, but for life. The decisions you make determine your entire future. (No pressure) These decisions include how you spend your money, your choice of career path, relationships and much more. Life becomes more complicated than just figuring out what the topic of your research paper will be. Although the real world is difficult, and calls for a lot of responsibility, I think that we as humans tend to make it more complicated then it should be. I know that I do at times. I spend hours worrying about situations that I cannot physically change. While working intensely to map out my life, planning how everything "should" go, I have realized that the beauty of Christ is that he steers us. Though he does not do the work for us, he guides us in the direction we need to go. He does not throw us out there and expect us to survive, but rather gives us the instincts that we need and the ability to learn how to take on the challenge. There is a lot of preparing to do in life, but I think that just living it is the best way to learn. With that said, I'm ready to take on these beautiful challenges. I have been warned that it's not easy, and from experience thus far, I very well know that it's not. I trust that it's worth it though, and I have no intention on holding back. I thank God that I have Him to walk through this life with, and for carrying me along the way. Here I go............. :0)

Still learning,

Sunday, May 18, 2008

That's Life

I was reading some of my old blogs and I noticed that I write a lot about learning. It's kind of funny actually. Sometimes I write twice about the same topic, just in different words. When I was in middle school and high school I could have cared less about learning. I didn't want to know who sailed the ocean blue in 1492. I didn't think that there was much of a point to the past, I just wanted to look straight to the future. I wanted to keep moving. I didn't want to slow down, and I never looked back.
Now, on the other hand, things have changed. My heart has changed. My desire to learn is indescribable. History now fascinates me, and I could easily get lost in the beauty that surrounds me. God's beauty.
I recently went to Italy with my mom and I was overwhelmed at all there was to learn. It was information overload and I am still taking it all in. God created this world to be so complex but at the same time with enough simplicity for the human mind. It's kind of like the word "life". Such a simple four letter word but when you really dig deep, it's not so simple. To me, life is an ongoing adventure, full of surprises. A journey that opens and closes doors, that creates chances to learn and to change and to live. Life is exciting, even in moments of disbelief and heartache.
Life is a different adventure for everyone, and my prayer is that we each embrace it. Live it. Follow your calling whatever it may be. Let God guide you on this journey, let Him teach you. There is so much out there, whether it's right in your backyard, or 5000 miles away. I'm so thankful to say that I love to learn.

Learning is life, and life is learning.
(P.S. ask about the picture...I'd love to share the story behind it!)

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Strength Will Rise

I think that as humans one of the most difficult things to do is to wait. I, along with several others, struggle with waiting on God. I want things to happen in my time, done the way I want, and all under my control. The truth of the matter is that it's not possible for anything to be under my control. In fact, I've learned that when I try to take matters into my own hands, my life completely falls apart. I am nothing without God's control, and I need Him to steer my path.

One of my favorite books is called Passion and Purity by Elisabeth Elliott. I don't think that I will ever stop learning from this book. Passion and Purity is about learning to let Christ take control of your life, and wait on Him even throughout the darkest of times. Elisabeth Elliott writes that "waiting on God requires the willingness to bear uncertainty, to carry within oneself the unanswered question, lifting the heart to God about it whenever it intrudes upon one's thoughts". As much as I dislike waiting and the possibility of not knowing what is to come, I love reading the words "uncertainty" and "God" in the same sentence. I've learned that God is One of flexibility, the mysterious and unknown ways. He makes us wait in order to train us to lift our heart to Him in need of His control. He wants us to desire to wait on Him, because He knows that the waiting is worth while.

Elisabeth Elliott also writes my favorite poem in her book:

" I wait.
Dear Lord, Thy ways
Are past finding out,
Thy love too high.
O hold me still
Beneath Thy shadow.
It is enough that Thou
Lift up the light
Of Thy countenance.
I wait--
Because I am commanded
so to do. My mind
Is filled with wondering.
My soul asks "Why?"
But then the quiet word,
"Wait thou only
Upon God."
And so, not even for the light
To show a step ahead,
But for Thee, dear Lord,
I wait."
Heavenly Father,
As my mind is filled with wonderings for what is to come, I pray that you will help me be selfless. Lord, please let me not want things to happen on my time, under my control, but to place them in your hands. Guide my heart each day Father, steer me into your will and your way. I love you Father. I am so grateful to be yours, and i'm glad you're mine. Thank you for helping me wait.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Break My Chains, Dear Lord

Mirror, mirror on the wall
Here I stand about to fall
Who is the girl that I now see?
A heart longing just to be free
She keeps on listening to the cries
That never stop telling her lies
And as the tears flow down her cheeks
It's something more that she seeks
Than the approval of humanity
Who is simply full of vanity
What an overwhelming feeling it must be
To be compared to all that you see
In a world that is so cold
This is getting somewhat old
I'm ready to be free
Dear Father, please save me